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How Web Users ‘Search’ And The Resulting Impact On Digital Business Profiles

How Web Users ‘Search’ And The Resulting Impact On Digital Business Profiles

There are millions of digital ‘Searches’ happening every second. And they are significantly diverse. When it comes to the nature of most searches, studies have revealed that search queries are lengthening and requirements are being expressed in descriptive ways. As it stands, users are seeking detailed information and are focused on precision,, particularly in connection to purchases and business requirements. And the pandemic having accelerated online activities, this digital behaviour has become all the more prominent.

How ‘Search’ Queries Are Playing Out

Longer search queries incorporate greater word counts. And more often than not, these queries are directly seeking store and business details such as address, contact number, business hours, specific location, landmark, available inventory, and lots more.

The pandemic has transformed various aspects of business and the way consumers approach them. Changing digital attributes are one such aspect. With limited time and increasing focus on convenience, consumers are looking for easily accessible solutions, with a high degree of specificity. Hence, at one go, they are trying to gather as much information as they can, in the form of long ‘search’ expressions. While there can be various factors governing this observation, an attribution between the words being used, the requirements, certain assumptions, and the ‘search’ results can help us find more direction and understand online activities better.

Let’s take a look at an example. If someone has a geography-specific requirement such as a Zip code, associated keywords observed in the search queries include words such as ‘open’, ‘available’, ‘timing’, or ‘hours’. Similarly, when it comes to a brand or product requirement, words that form a part of the query include ‘best’, ‘top’, ‘premium’, ‘quality’, or ‘great’.

As this attribution to classify keywords and search types expands, new trends emerge. Variables such as zip code, landmark, distance, store-location, address, business hours, contact details, website, or other descriptive adjectives, are collectively being looked up. Searches involving geography and business unit details have displayed prominence. Meaning, there’s an intrinsic relationship between the 2 parameters. So consumers are looking for the ‘where’ as well as the ‘how’ of their needs. 

It is also interesting to note, that in the context of searches for business solutions in close proximity, consumers are checking not only for business details such as contact details or hours of operation but also checking for reviews and quality. Hence words such as ‘best’, ‘productive’, and ‘great’, become a part of queries in ‘Near Me’ and close vicinity searches. Once again, this goes to show that consumers have limited time and want useful results at their convenience.

Digital Searches And Business Profiles - The Road Ahead

It is clear that this new ‘Search’ trend is proof of today’s changing consumer needs. The longer the ‘search’ queries, the greater the ask for business information such as description, address, store location, hours of operation, website, contact number, and reviews. Bearing in mind the limited attention spans today and search patterns, businesses need to maintain their digital profiles holistically so that they do not lose potential opportunities. Keeping every business detail updated all the time on listings, ensures better discoverability through improved search rankings and helps gain consumer trust. Additional engagement capabilities such as AI-powered chats can further refine the consumer’s experience.

As the digital space continues to evolve, it will continue to be interesting to see the emergence of new digital ‘Search’ trends that will enable businesses to build robust digital identities, leading to better customer experience and lucrative growth opportunities.

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